"the weirdest thing"

Monday, November 21, 2005


hey there people,
i have noticed that things are going fairly crazily lately. well not TOO much but pretty crazily anyway.
yeah well i cant think of any examples so thats the end of my post.

not actually.
poo. i have poo in my throat. otherwise known as a sore throat. it hurts and makes weird noises. its sore.
yeah well i dont really have much to say apart from we had examens. about a week ago they began and yeah the history one was fuNny. reckon i probably failed, but seems like most of the class may have also so it was fun. its fun to bullshit on exams coz thats what we did. yeah also cass's partay was recently and today we went into the city with school coz thats what we're doing this week.
ok well i cant be stuffed writing more, this has been a pretty boring post.
oh well.
luv laurona :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heylo my good friend laura

5:15 pm, November 24, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOO GO SSUBWAY, they are yummy! haha yeah.
i REALLY should get a job. (thats the closest i'll go to actually getting one, admitting that i need one)

hmm, puppy, interesting.
ok well the end is drawing closer.
there it is.
i can see it now.
it's approaching.
woah it's getting bigger.
it's on my doorstep.
it's right here!

4:26 pm, November 28, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:15 am, February 07, 2010


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