"the weirdest thing"

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

TRIBUTE to Welsh....a.k.a. Welshy-Poo

i didnt know him for long but he was the best rabbit ever and will be very missed.
he was such a cuutie...a little lump of joy..and even though hes not here the memories he left behind will always remain.

remember that time he jumped around the garden...............that time he ate a carrot..............that time he climbed on annie...............yes he was a love-ed bun-bun.
we love you welsh, you lived a great life and rocked the house down.
the end.
welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best. welsh is the best.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe, he's like a little sheep with ears =D

wait, sheep have ears. right. ignore that.

alright, i recognise defeat: i was trying to be funny.

he's adorable =]

9:03 pm, August 03, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwww Laura! Kate will love you forever.

He is the most GORGEOUS rabbit I have ever seeen. Haven't seen many though.... But he's GORGEOUS! SO CUTE! *welshy voice* AWWW!

Yeah Jess dude, you suck. ;)

7:47 am, August 04, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is a very kool tribute... i like it, that is all. AWWWWWW LAURA UR SO NICE!!!

8:03 am, August 04, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes welsh is so the best.
thats all.

9:34 am, August 04, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

welshie we miss you!
luv anno

12:41 pm, August 04, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks laura...ur so gorjus :)
so is welshy :) luv ya forver gorgeous baby boy... xoxo

5:24 pm, August 04, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy y'all

3:10 pm, August 10, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i aint not been on my site in an age.
have fun luv laura :)

3:12 pm, August 10, 2005


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