well i felt the need to post.
it's entirely necessary.
sorry for the fact that im not in a very happy funny mood. it means that this post will probably be a little crap.
hehe little poos make me giggle.
anyways i am feeling a bit kind of x lately. what is x, i don't really know. whatever you want it to be.
..i already told you, i was in alaska hunting wolverines with my uncle...
hate. its a strong word. it makes your insides feel like warm jelly or something.
sometimes i hate myself coz im so stupid. or if other people hate me.
but it only really fucks things up to be bitter.
why are girls so moody and bitchy. it does no good AT ALL for anything/one.
well im pretty stoked that its alsmost the holidays even if i do have a lot of homework/reading. it'll be alright.
stuff turns out alright in the end.
i am bored maintenant.
well i should go now so i willl.
i like some things.
have a nice time,
laurona :)
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