"the weirdest thing"

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

i am a weird creature.

did you know that if you go to www.radicalraphael.blogPSOT.com (instead of blogSPOT.com) it comes up with this bible college page?
i realised that before.

anyway i wanna share this thing i wrote today in maths/free when i was half-sleeping:

[in red pen]
hello my name is messoffembark and i am not alive.
i like to eat frankfurts and indulge in a spongebath every now and THEN. once upon a time i walked on a gravel path and then i hired some clogs and walked on the ocean with them. but as soon as the radio intercepted illegal signals my stomach let out an almighty grumble so the ambulance turned up and escorted an old dying man away from the pier.

[in blue pen]
now i have returneth to complete this story of my life everything is gentle but maybe the finger will find the time to grow. whenever you see a tree you know that the kid won't have a bomb. anon you will receive the hopping order from his landlord to commence eating your ice-cream. it will taste nice like strawberry sprinkles and the sun will shine but not for very much longer. the xylophone will have been playing but when it stops her socks will grow up her leg and the cooking will cease. the muffin mixture was piggishly consumed by greedy mongrels. anyway what you must hear is not what the eyes can see but something lurks in the pond-scum of this flesh-eating world. how and when will i ever know?
tell me.
what is in knowing? what is in being?
who is out there? who has ears to listen and somas to hug and surround her? she needs another's words, another's heart, another's eyes, another's ears, another's touch .
well maybe she needs to give all that to an other to be given that in return.
will her voice be listened to? will her oil dry up? p o o .
i'll let mysteriousness decide.
just so you know, none of this makes sense and that's the way i like it. so depart now i must
but i fear that i love you.
where am i?
i cry.

>>have a nice day,
luv laurona :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a very interesting piece of information there Coburn.
You should hand it to people in the street to brighten their day.

10:30 pm, March 01, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

man laura you are AWESOME at writing stuff like that! i reckon you could like, get a job in a paper as like a columist or whatevr! you know? kinda like leunig!! yeah!
i admire you dude
love amo

10:56 am, March 02, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

...hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhaaaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i am laughing hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa why do i laugh? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha it is funnyyyyyy hahahaAAAA.

ok. yes.
maybe i should hand out pieces of writing like that. to whoever wants it anyway. they will have no idea what it is which is the beauty of it, it can evoke different personal memories with the random words. maybe. i don't know but anyway i'll make more and see how people like them when i can be bothered.
its nice meditation for me.
well have a happy birthday snoopy,
luv laurona :)

6:03 pm, March 03, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes u so should!!! yeah!!!
i am excited.

8:20 am, March 06, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes i think you must take drugs. (i want whatever they may be!)
other times i think you must have created fridge magnet words.
but i'm tired of thinking, so i sit and enjoy your writing. One day i'll become rich and solicit you to write for a joyful stylish anthology i'll make. yes.

6:28 pm, March 07, 2006


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