"the weirdest thing"

Monday, March 06, 2006

ducks nuts

warning: explicit language and pessimism ahead. hahahaha.
fuck what good is there in my life? what is there to look forward to? so far nothing interesting has happened in my life and i've been living for sixteen fucking years when will i see the light and learn. and experience life? i'm so fucked. my life is so boring.
there are old dirty couch covers hanging on the washing line only now they're probably clean.
anyway i am in a really low mood lately. what the fuck is the point in anything? i dont see. i fucking don't.
i'm just wallowing and making this sound a billiontrillion times worse. im just so ordinary thats all.
oh fuck who cares there are plenty of ordinary people out there and i suppose being ordinary actually makes me unusual..or something. anywayfuck lifes a shithole sometimes. even when nothings been shitting me sometimes i just feel like a big ole shit.
haha ok this is just getting funny now, talking about all this shit and fucking, hopefully not together, coz that would be disgusting. OOOKKK, anyway....
does anyone wanna go and jump off a fucking cliff onto a trampoline and then bounce high and fall into the ocean with me?
no? didn't think so. hmm i'm wondering whether i should post this or not its pretty spastic stuff and not very interesting just really stupid. but maybe i will coz who gives a fuck. these are my fucking thoughts (yes, i swear a lot in my head) and this is a blog. anyway. i'm such a quiet person. i don't understand.
hmm ok well this was all just heinous negative shit dont worry i dont feel like that all the time.
so NOW howbouts some fun? yeah.

ps> hey what happened to the good old days of being kids and hanging around with whoever the hell you want and having the time of your life doing what YOU want (most of the time) and not caring about other people much. that was pretty fun. but i spose we all change. anyway i'm off this is all getting weird.

by the way: i have another [mini] site/msn space at http://spaces.msn.com/supercoolnon
its got some photos and shit on it.

oh yeah and here's some funny food packaging for ya- hannah had these at school:

hahahahaha yeah have a nice time everyone luvya,
oh YEAH i got my vce jumper today!! wooooooooooooooooooo FINE-BLOOD-ALLY (finally with a bloody mixed in there somehow..hey, if advertisers are using the word bloody then everyone can) so anyway it was pretty triumphant. now i feel more like a year elevener i suppose.
ok i'm going now have fun luv me :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i swear a lot in my head too. yep.
well i am sad that you're feeling sucky atm laurona cos that sucks :(
and the whoel ordinary thingo, no one is ordinary cos everyone is different so therefore..... YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!
or to look at it another way.... stealing from triple m now.... rarr i cant remeber it.... but they have these tshirts that say something lie whats wrong with being ordinary and theyre soooo cool!!! yup.
but yeah do not distress my friend.

Dear God,
These circumstances will change. This situation shall pass

yea thats just this coolo prayer in one of my leunig books. seemed appropriate!!!


8:02 am, March 08, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely agree avec you.
Sometimes I want to not exist anymore.

I feel like my life is such a boring and meaningless nothing and always has been and always will be. I dont do anything with it. Why even have a life if you dont use it?
Thats not even a life, its just an existance. A waste of oxygen.

But never fear. Because. I dont know.
One day when we are 37 we will look back and laugh at how we all felt so sorry for ourselves over what seems like everything now, but compared to the rest of the world is nothing.

Damn...that just made me now feel like a whiny little pathetic poop.

But oh well. I dont feel like dwelling on this right now.

I have superglue on my fingers. It is super. And glue.

(Side note: sorry everyone i am bit of a crap recently and sometimes dont speak to any of you. I get like that sometimes though and the easiest thing to do is just let me be and i'll get over it)

8:29 pm, March 08, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahahaha....i just realized that I sound so fucking emo in that post...what an amusement.

P.s. I hope Kathy does not read our posts or she will beat us for our use of the swear.

8:30 pm, March 08, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahahha yep.
this can be our SWEARING RELEASE SITE!!!!!!!!!!


8:12 am, March 09, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...



6:44 pm, March 11, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dudes,
nice comments.
yeah thats a great idea about using this as a release site.
yeah. welllll ok.
have a nice day everyone,
laurona :)

1:07 pm, March 12, 2006


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